If you are currently experiencing a dental emergency, call us now 828-274-3882

If this is a medical or life-threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately.

Emergency Dental Services for Asheville, NC

Dr. Peter Pang and his team have extensive experience working on all types of emergency dental cases. We use advanced technologies to ensure optimal results and are here to help patients that may have loose teeth, objects stuck in the mouth, severe toothaches or are dealing with signs of an infection. Our goal is to restore your oral health as quickly, efficiently and affordably as possible.

Learn more about our emergency dentist in Asheville, NC, by scheduling your appointment with Dr. Pang today.

Of emergency visits are due to cavities.

Of emergency, visits are due to cavities.

Of emergency room visits are for dental emergencies.

Of emergency room visits are for dental emergencies.

Emergency Dental Work

What to Do During a Dental Emergency

If you are experiencing severe pain in the mouth or jaw, have a persistent toothache or are noticing signs of an infection, call us for an emergency dental appointment immediately. We can save your teeth and restore your oral health with early intervention. We have room in our office to accommodate emergency patients so you won’t have to wait too long to see a dental professional! Call our practice immediately for an appointment or a recommendation on next steps.


Emergency Dental Care Procedures We Offer

Many emergency patients come to us when a permanent tooth is knocked out after an accident or injury to the mouth. If you have a tooth that is cracked or fractured, or you have a persistent toothache, we can help with a tooth restoration procedure or root canal therapy. We perform laser dentistry procedures and advanced periodontal therapies to treat a variety of oral health problems quickly.

Affordable Emergency Care in Asheville

We understand that emergency situations can be stressful and the last thing you want to worry about is whether you can afford to get the treatment you need. We offer a range of affordable services and flexible payment options to ensure all patients in need are served in a timely manner. Turn to us when you need to see an emergency dentist in Asheville, NC.

Asheville Dental